Loudsville Campmeeting
Loudsville Campmeeting
July 22-28, 2002
Tentholder's Meeting
Each year on Monday night the tentholders meet after church for a business meeting. During this meeting, the secretary , Treasurer, and Trustee Chairman all give reports as to the status of the campground. Elections are held as people volunteer for jobs, announcements are made, and any business may be brought before the group.
Chairman Mitchel Barrett presides over the meeting.
Second year visitor Ken Hamilton Presents
a panoramic picture of the campground
to the group.
as the crowd looks on.
We had a good crowd this year.
Secretary Becky Sims presents the
Secretary's Report
and Treasurer's report for
her husband Gerald.
Trustee Chairman Ronnie Fain reports
on projects done this year.
Publicity Chairman Gail Nix.
It takes many people to make campmeeting happen, and this is when the tentholders say "Thanks." All this is paid for from nightly offerings, plus special contributions from each tent.
E_Mail greetings to the campground family